April 22, 2015
Earth Day
Hmm. Thinking about the Law of Attraction this morning, and
it happens to be Earth Day. I find that connection interesting, but I digress.
I’ve believed in Law of Attraction for a long time now, but
for some reason I felt the need to step back and ponder, is that the reason for
everything going on in my life? Two days ago I wrote about all of the pain and
drama in my life for the past 12 months. Since I’ve switched my laptop over to
my personal account I’ve “lost” that writing. Although, maybe that’s the way it
should be. Write it all out, then get rid of it. Almost like an unintentional cleansing.
But back to what I was saying, I have to go back further
than 12 months to look at the changes in my life. In fact I can pin-point the
exact moment everything in my world changed drastically (rarely do we get the
opportunity to have such a pivotal moment). Everything was going so well in my
life. I had finally moved back into my own little place (that I loved, it felt
SO good, it had an amazing energy if you will), I was dating an amazing man and
falling head over heels in love. I had gone from having an ok job (which in
itself was a relief) to being offered my dream job, even though just two months
before I had been turned down for the exact same job. To then receiving an
increase to full time, benefits and raise in pay at my new job. Then... my
apartment flooded. It sounds silly, but when the moment happened, nothing was
the same. I honestly thought about listing the downhill spiral that has occurred
since then, but I have no more desire to continue to bring up the negative.
But even though my apartment recovered, after an extensive remodel,
I’ve never quite recovered. And have only focused on the negative aspects of my
life since that moment. Don’t get me wrong, there have been plenty of good
moments since that point, but I’ve never been able to completely let go and get
back to the utter peace I had in my heart “before the flood”.
My point is, in that moment my rose colored glasses
shattered and I focused on the negative mostly. So therefore, I continue to have
more and more negative.
Now some will say, but wait, you are Christian, you can’t believe
in the “Law of Attraction” that’s New Age hype. Is it? But I always felt the
two should blend together. And this morning I found a great little blog talking
about just this. I will link it here.
The Author, Andrew Freed, lists several biblical references that introduce the
concept of the Law of Attraction. The
one the resonated the most with me was Proverbs 23:7 “As he thinks in his
heart, so he is…” He’s got several more great references, and his post is worth
the read. (I did continue to read Proverbs further and read 23:9 for the first
time, THAT was an “Ah-ha!” moment in and of itself, but that’s another post for
another day).
But the scripture tells us that what’s in our heart, where our
intentions are, that’s who we become, what we bring into our lives. I believe that
whatever we are verbalizing and worrying and discussing, the adversary is using
those fears and worries to break our faith. Praying upon those weaknesses that
we are sharing over and over to challenge our hearts further, and harden them.
I know that I must continue to work to find the positive in
my life in order to bring my life back into peace and balance. My goal is to
make my home a sanctuary instead of a place of tension and drama. So that when
anyone walks into my home they are filled with a sense of love and welcoming. I
truly believe that will help each of us stay positive, stay on the path we need
to be on to bring the good into our lives. Help us let go of the drama and
negativity of the world outside and bring good into our lives.
One intention at a time. ;)