
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

One Rain Cloud At Time

So tonight’s post is completely random. Basically… I have nothing to write about but felt inspired to write. So we’ll see what comes out :-\

The past couple days I’ve been feeling blah with a side of laziness. I don’t know, maybe it’s because the insane amount of stress I’ve been under for the past year is finally loosening up. It was like running the longest marathon in history and now it’s time to recover. Therefore my body is like “nope, we are just going to lay here and chill.” Honestly I am so give out/lazy that while putting a toy away in my little boys room today I started eyeing my five year olds bed.

Yes, yes I did..

The next thing I knew he was standing over me waking me up wondering why I took a nap on his bed?? Then said “Mama, you know what makes my bed even MORE comfty??” (comfty is totally a word our house) He then raced over and grabbed one of his favorite blankies and covered me up. Wow – mom fail, of epic proportions, but so sweet on my son’s part.  

Or maybe it’s the weather. Seriously. While the rest of the US had a horrible record setting winter, we had nada. Then an early spring. But now the weather is just murky. Grey, cloudy, cool-ish days with a few sprinkles. Like even the weather can’t work up the energy to really do something, I know how you feel Mother Nature, I’m there with you.

The problem with this mood is it snowballs SO quickly. Next thing you know I’ve stopped working out, like nothing in – eeeek – 6 days. I’ve had massive amounts of junk food, which really doesn’t motivate me to accomplish anything and doesn’t nothing to help the waistline. All I really feel motivated to do is curl up with a “comfty” blanket and read a really good book. And sometimes that’s ok. But I’ve had several days to do so and now it’s time to get rolling again.

Yea this little self pep talk isn’t helping either, LOL how’s it working for you?? I think I’ll just turn on an episode of Longmire and settle into bed.

But tomorrow is a new day, a chance to start fresh with hopefully some motivation in the sunshine (that’s not in the forecast tomorrow) one rain cloud at a time. 

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